Construction Support • Pacific Northwest

Thanks to our 24-hour dispatch, we can handle any construction support services you need at any time of the day.

At CTL, we pride ourselves on having the fastest response times in the industry, which means that our customers can rely on us to be available right away. No matter how large or complex your construction support needs are, we will always find a way to make the logistics happen, completing your project faster and cheaper than the competition without compromising on safety.

Construction support services

  • Construction spoils disposal at sea
  • Dredging support
  • Pile driving support
  • Transportation of specialized equipment
  • Help with bridges, dams, etc.

Your Project: On Time, on budget, no headaches.

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What we bring to the table

Servicing the entire
Pacific Northwest
friendly practices
Huge fleet
of equipment
logistic solutions
Fully trained
& licensed crew
“Can do”
Able to pull off
any job
service record

previous construction
support experience

Coming soon!

The word
around town

“I have called upon CTL at all hours of the clock with countless emergencies of the day over the last three decades, I have yet ever to be let down.”

Craig Longsmuir
Fraser River Pile & Dredge Inc.

With half a century sailing in the Pacific Northwest, we are the team to trust with your marine logistic needs.

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