CTL Fleet of Tugs & Barges

Almost half a decade
of experience
Serving the entire
Pacific Northwest
Consistently upgraded
boats and equipment
Professionally trained
crew members

Our diverse fleet of ships allows us
to take on any job, no matter the complexity.

No matter what kind of marine towing and logistic services you are looking for—construction support, large ship maneuvering, log towing, marine freight, etc.—our team can complete the job faster, better, and cheaper than the competition, while still adhering to the strictest safety standards. All of our services are backed by our expert team members, as well as our fleet of specialized boats that can be maneuvered through any environment in order to meet our customers’ exact needs.

View Our Tug Fleeet
With half a century sailing in the Pacific Northwest, we are the team to trust with your marine logistic needs.

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